Did you know?

30% Of employers are using social media to recruit
1 in 10 Recent hires found their current roles through social media
70% Of employers use social networking sites to research job candidates during the hiring process

Harnessing Social Media


There is a rise in employers relying on social media to recruit and find out about their employees and candidates. This allows you to take advantage of your social media profiles, adapting them to engage with employers.

So how do you show that you are the right candidate?

First of all you need to check all of your profiles are employer proof, that nothing on there will deter them. You can edit your privacy settings on to private to help with that.
Engaging with employers on social media can help you stand out and show your interest. And for you, you get a feel for the culture of the organisation.


LinkedIn is your go to

LinkedIn is designed for the business community. Giving you an online CV platform that you can edit and update. LinkedIn allows you to create connections with employers and build a contact list. You can follow and keep up to date with influencers or companies and learn more!
Here are some tips to make sure you take full advantage of the features on LinkedIn:

  • Make sure you fill out the 'Career interests' and skill section
  • Follow any specific companies to receive the latest job updates
  • Make full use of LinkedIn's job search function and subscribe to job alerts
  • Use a professional photo- just of you looking friendly and approachable 
  • Share your success on LinkedIn- use the platform to sell yourself
  • Join and contribute to industry related groups

Mobile phone with social media apps


Facebook is another platform that is used to share and advertise job roles. Take advantage of Facebook as a way to create dialogue with employers, comment, like and you might find you get a response. You can also edit your profile to include your previous employment.


Twitter allows you to follow companies and influences as well as hashtags. This means you can keep up to date with companies you are interested in and their sector. It is also a chance to interact with employers and create a conversation.

Social media is a growing way for employers to spot and recruit candidates so review your profiles and interact with employers. Don’t miss out!