If you are not sure if apprenticeship training is right for your business, talk to other employers. You can get in touch with the National Apprenticeship Ambassador
Network. The Apprenticeship Ambassadors are all employers who have recruited apprentices as part of their workforce.

They are passionate about their experiences with apprentices and are keen to promote the apprenticeship route to other employers and potential new apprentices.

Matt O’Conner, MD of John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance and East of England AAN Chair says:

“Our business has enjoyed a huge amount of success with apprenticeships and I am always keen to show other employers just how beneficial they can be from a business perspective.”

And June Cory of My Mustard (see our case study in section 2) also recommends the 5% Club, a dynamic movement of employer-members working to create a shared prosperity across the UK by driving ‘earn and learn’ skills training opportunities.